magic in white, miniature top hat. both bride and groom at once.

even the cars are cool and/or nerds. i used to have this exact truck but black. she was named "blackie lawless". in middle school there was a girl whose last name was lawless and we called her "braless". blackie braless.

start your say with some non-vegan symmetry and rooster sauce. it's from trader joe's, dude, it's organic.

tight buds are stoked
i listened to this song about 5 times on the plane ride yesterday. let's all get married right now. the next post to this blog is number 500. remember when i said i was gonna stop it at 500? i totally lied to you. but i'm trying to think up something meaningful.
Glad you were lying.
i've been really into that song lately, too. weird.
I never saw pictures of Spiral Staircase but I imagined the person singing was a woman all these years.
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