blogging is a new art, i believe it. despite the stupidest name in the world ("blog") invented by some beautiful nerd somewhere this stuff is real and important. why and how? i'm not sure, but i believe it will become apparent in either 2 years or 25 years. i think these things are important. i started this thing because i couldn't finish a website and it was free. now it's this other thing, this way to make something every (almost) day, to try to articulate an idea or feeling through photos, words, or links to meaningless amazing youtube videos. nobody can look or everybody can look, it's nothing and the sum of all things. it's weird to be alive in these times. is it any weirder than any other time? at least we have these things we can do. this thing has given me ideas, experiences, friends, and headaches. let's not take it all too seriously, but still allow ourselves to give a shit. i don't know what else i've done 500 times in my life on purpose. (except the 500 push-ups i do every morning. you think
this is an accident?) use it or lose it. let it out or let it die. blog muscle.
happy 500th birthday, crooked arm. the blog lives, long live the blog.