not to be a bummer, but thanks for looking at this thing again or for the first time. and thanks for crotchety old men and bummers and the internet and all the stuff that makes life easier, harder, and worthwhile. and thanks for this video below, which is still amazing:
i was reading dangerous minds today and got hipped to this book by julian cope, "the modern antiquarian". and then got hipped to the BBC documentary he made about it:
i've had a soft spot for some stone circles and mounds since i was a kid and hung around mounds park in anderson, indiana (where i sometimes take my grandma to cruise around in her wheelchair. last time she thought she saw a wood nymph but it was a jogger. OR WAS IT!) mounds is a park full of native american mounds and earth formations. a lot of things and places in anderson are named after the previous inhabitants that had to get booted before places like "gene's spanish dog" could get built. and every few years i try to reread "overlay", a great book about prehistoric land art or creations or whatever you wanna call it and how that stuff can relate to a spiral jetty or earthwork or whathaveyou. it's a pretty inspiring read, and the illustrations and photos are great. i have a fantasy of traipsing around england looking at all these giant chalk drawings and stone stacks that were made right about the time god got of bed on monday morning. but right now i'm gonna play hooky and watch this video and try to find a copy of the book that isn't going for $250. (why are julian cope's books out of print? "krautrocksampler" and this one are essential. why is the man trying to keep us down?)((that said, anybody has this book and wants to trade it for some art, i'm your man!)) maybe i'll even go see this kid:
it's a 3 parter and it doesn't lend itself to our internet concentration time limits but it's sunday an what else are you gonna do? why are you even on the computer?