here's a new one that will lead to some other things that will hopefully look nothing like this, but still about something having to do with rituals and relearning. we'll see about that:

the other night amy noblit and myself drank beers and did exquisite corpses that eventually devolved into scribbles on paper folded in half. man, it was fun. still on the lookout for that cabin in the woods in bloomington if anyone has any leads and a hundred thousand dollars.

chris and nobs:

have you read the book "exquisite corpse"? it's all about how a buddy of the surrealist guys living in LA at the time (man ray, duchamp, etc) probably killed the black dahlia as some kind of artistic tribute. fascinating.
ever heard of the noblitt-hilt fordaccord? oh man!
Listening to those Bill Moyers JOseph Campbell sessions are a treat.
God bless PBS.
Nattt! How are you? Where are you? Are you back in the bay? I heard there was a party at your pad this weekend, and I heard about the Halloween thang. What's up with that? Should I attend? I would love to catch up with you. I'm working at a gallery now and would love it if I ever got the opportunity to curate a show with your rad work. How is/was Indoana? Stay in touch.
this is lisa btw
i have been obsessively exquisite corpse-ing myself lately. well, not know, uh...i myself have been obsessively exquisite corpse-ing lately. with others. i'll show you mine if you'll show me yours :)
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