leaving the san francisco bay for a bit. feeling alright about it all, actually.

i had a really good tofu sandwich from a deli in oakland chinatown yesterday with abby g. this is not a drawing of abby g.

i heard there is a movie about people who jump off the golden gate bridge and it actually shows people doing the deed. jumping. i don't want to watch this, but i want to watch this. at one point, my friends eric and adrian tried to teach me how to surf and they took me to fort point underneath the golden gate. i paddled and got stuck in a current and then kept paddling for 10 more minutes until i stopped being sucked out to sea. then i just floated around and checked out the early morning pelicans and tankers cruising under the bridge.

i once fed a squirrel out of my palm with my buddy Cornelius (r.i.p.) and i felt squirrel lips on my finger. i fear the beak of a bird.

someone told me austin is famous for a bridge that bats fly out from under in the moonlight.
flux soundtracks:
-harmony girlz: gangster soul
-jerry jeff walker "five years gone"
-fugazi "steady diet of nothing"
-descendents "bikeage" over and over and over
-dead moon!
i really dig these drawings. i wanna buy one sometime.
cool drawings. fort point break is not to be messed with, sketchy currents!
jake, dude, email me at crookedarm (at) gmail.com. i got something for you.
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