a long long time ago i started The Print Of The Month Program. it was a series of prints (6), limited edition and hand-made artifacts that would appear at semi-regular intervals for a bargain price. there were subscriptions, there were naysayers. there was shipping nightmares, there was refunds. there were tears of joy and thumbprints on the address labels.
well, it's taken me over a year to get all 6, but here is the final installment, the ALWAYS LATE IN 2008 BUT JUST IN TIME FOR 2009 march to march calendar. i'm late on things a lot. a lot. and this is no exception. who waits until march to make a calendar? but this one is different: it's from march 16th (next sunday) of this year to march 15th of next year (2009). so essentially i'm right on time.
it's full of ridiculous critters and hidden little nuggets that i'm sure will satisfy every earthly desire you may have in the next year.
these are offered again at the bargain price of $25 including shipping. there are a few places you may be able to pick one up if you live in san francisco, new york, or los angeles, but the best way to get it is from me now.
it's a limited edition of 50 silkscreen prints, signed and numbered. red ink on 140lb fabriano paper. 16 x 22 inches.
all you gotta do is email me at crookedarm (at) gmail.com or paypal me (my username is: nb_russell (at) hotmail.com). include your shipping address and i'll get them all sent off this week.
if you live outside the US, add another $5 and some extra patience as so far overseas shipping has been spotty at best. sorry all you foreigners, it has been an experience for sure.
so i'm through with the regimented schedule of prints that i couldn't stick to anyway. every now and then i'll put some new stuff up and offer it out at the same deal. soon i'll have some prints from my solo show coming up in april.
thanks again for all the support and encouragement from everybody who reads this blog. i really appreciate it and your patience when the shipping problems happened and when it took me 4 months to finish a print.
and subscribers: your prints are in the mail along with your special bonus subscriber only super special item of interest.
thanks again,

What are the dimensions of the calendar?
16x22 inches
Very nice indeed. Hope all is well on your end.
a kitten with a mozzarella coat! this is the best.
I'm always late too...this is perfect.
I coolhunted you twice. You are so cool.
Hey Nat its Joe from Mollusk NY send me your email I have to ask you a question for you but I don't know how to get in touch with ya. Shoot me an email on my blog so I can respond to it....Later Dude
PS: Stuff is looking rad!
This is so smart, Coz I am that lazy and havent got 2008 calender yet. haha.
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