this is my bed when i visit. yes, that is the ocean through the trees. thank god i moved to california.

there was a storm the night before and everyone in town was freaking out on the big scary waves. this was right before a big one came in and swept my bag, hat, and tape recorder out to sea.

storm cloud cometh and goeth.

whiteness in the woods. prep for the picnic ghost.

blurred out, waved out.

cusp sitter.

enter the center part deux.

not really. but, yes.
are you in new york? go see danielle's show that opens this saturday in brooklyn at pocket utopia. it will be far beyond your typical photo show, the environment that she and adrian have created to surround and present the photos is a stunner in and of itself. bring a record to play on adrian's portable turntable (diy DJ) and admire the COAST.
I hate it when my shit gets swept out to sea. It wasn't that 4-track with the built-in speaker, was it?
so bummed I missed the opening...i was hanging out in a garage with my 17 month old baby girl and my 12 year old dog waiting for new brakes to get installed on my car so it would pass inspection..it took til 9pm.....fun
when are you hitting up the dirty apple nat??
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