do you live close to indianapolis? if so, you should come over for this amazing event i'm helping out with for our buddy
BILL DANIEL on sunday in a ssociation with the amazing mt. comfort and big car galleries....
read this about it:
Bill Daniel presents an evening of lost and found music films:
lost music films 1965-87
56 min. black and white, experimental/documentary
Who is Bozo Texino? chronicles the search for the source of a ubiquitous and mythic rail graffiti-- a simple sketch of a character with an infinity-shaped hat and the scrawled moniker, "Bozo Texino"-- a drawing seen on railcars for over 80 years. Daniel's gritty black and white film uncovers a secret society and it's underground universe of hobo and railworker graffiti, and includes interviews with legendary boxcar artists, Coaltrain, Herby, Colossus of Roads, and The Rambler. Shooting over a 16-year period, Daniel rode freights across the West carrying a Super-8 sound camera and a 16mm Bolex. During his quest he discovered the roots of a folkloric tradition that has gone mostly unnoticed for a century. Taking inspiration from Beat artists Robert Frank and Jack Kerouac, the film functions as both a sub-cultural documentary and a stylized fable on wanderlust and outsider identity.
film and photo tour!!!!!!
Film Tramp Bill Daniel is back in the van on tour with a new program
of recently unearthed16mm footage.
more about SONIC ORPHANS....
a compilation reel of lost and found clips projected on 16mm, mostly silent, of some rare celluloid gems that have beenseen by almost no one and have never seen the light of youtube. Most of this footage is truly orphaned film--- abandoned, lost, found, and now presented raw without editing. The presentation includes a discussion of “orphan films” as they are called by archivists, and at some venues on tour, a one-night photo
Featuring: The Beatles/Avengers/Huns/Boy Problems/Sonic Youth/Butthole Surfers/Johnny Cash
There is a flavor of goofy nostalgia to much of the footage, but the
images are also haunting--- rock and roll ghosts, still singing,
pogoing, sneaking hits on cigarettes, making direct eye contact. Some of these scenes have audio, but some of the reels were long ago separated from their sound tracks before they ever had a chance to be edited and printed.
Each of the films has it’s own story, like if a stray dog at the pound
could tell you how he got there. Part of the evening’s presentation is
a telling of some of these stories, and a discussion on the
relationship between underground music and film cultures.
***1965, Beatles in San Francisco--- raw news footage I rescued from a closing film lab (eerie silent mop-top photo op, teenagers convulsing with Beatlemania, etc.)
***1977, Performance footage of the Avengers and lost takes from a
student drama staring Penelope Houston, shot by poet/punk portraitist
Pamela Mosher.
***1980, Two legendary punk/new wave Austin bands The Huns and Boy Problems filmed live at Rauls Club. Evidence of the fertile crossover between the Film dept at UT and the music scene at Raul’s club.
***A couple of 100-footers of mine---Butthole Surfers performance I
shot while touring with them in '87 (footage confiscated by the club
for on-stage nudity, then inexplicably returned to me months later)
and an outdoor Sonic Youth concert shot downtown Houston in '86.
***Plus a haunting early Johnny Cash kinoscope, and probably some other curios.
At selected shows I'll be putting up a one-night photo
exhibit---photos I shot in the Austin scene ’80-’84
(www.texaspunkpioneers.com), plus some random things from my current 35mm still photo practice (tri-x-noise.com).