i have a small, but steadily growing collection of new age records that i get mainly for the covers and for some inspiration. here's a few selections....

The Golden Voyage Vol. 2 (1978)
Robert Bearns & Ron Dexter
I'm preety sure the art on this one is by Mr. Bearns. loving the description of this... "a galactic exploration through celestial harmonics"

The Vison (1979)
some actually pretty nice mellow acoustic jams in a swami-style. i'm just really into this dude's robe-hood.

Inter Dimensional Music (1978)
i think a noise band re-purposed this art in the 90s. rad little flute-lightning in the clouds. this guy has a myspace page.

Inner Light Foundation (?)
zero information on this guided meditation album. great simple design. it's actually quite soothing but with a sinister undercurrent. same with the logo: no face = creeps

The Heralding: Golden Voyage Vol. 5 (1984)
Robert Bearns & Ron Dexter
some more amazing geometric patterns and styles from mr. bearns. "rainbow light ships... where time stands still!"