Monday, April 2, 2012

cracklin tone

03.22.12 RIBBONS vs. BIRDS OF AMERICA from N amesak E on Vimeo.

the above is a video by blog-bud turned real-life-bud adam of a rad little nugget of a night a couple weeks ago in oakland, california. it was put together by longtime fellow traveller david who gets up to all kinds of events from the bay area to japan and beyond. on this night he got together with terri, jason and felix and created a little music night in the backyard with a fire, sing-a-longs with projected lyrics, closely gathered folks, and plenty of good vibrations.  here's how he put it:
class is in session.
this time, Thursday March 22 8pm, we welcome our dear friend Nat Russell back to the Bay Area for a night of songs at the home of Terri Loewenthal, Jason Libsch, and Felix. Nat is having an art opening at Mollusk Surf Shop on Saturday the 24, but this will be a chance to encounter the sound side of his practice...Nat has been playing music as "Birds of America" for a long while, and on this night, Nat will share what it is he has been grooving on out in Indianna. 
this night will move deeper into the realm of 'song' as we open up our growing song-book catalogue of sing alongs, covers, traditionals, spirituals, chants, and shanties and take turns leading songs and learning songs. we hope you will come and be up to lend your voice, and even consider a song you might bring and share around the fireplace. help us make this song-book brimming with good ones.
come over after you've eaten dinner, bring a bottle of wine or a sweet, and we'll get in it.
good, right? well this video features dave's buddy (whose name i forget, i'm sorry) getting chanty and setting the mood then a song sung by my own self. it was dark and i couldn't see the frets, but you don't come here for perfection do you? no, you don't. who needs it? this stuff is too important to be left to professionals! peace!

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