Monday, December 19, 2011

mama's little babies

i just put up a  a bunch of small-ish drawings (babies) up to my Internet Art Shoppe (trademark 2011). most all of them have appeared in the blog at some point or another, and some of them even travelled around to a different state before coming home. all the drawings are $30. only a couple are framed, like the above one. but it's really not that nice of a frame anyway, so you're not really missing anything.
it's part of what has become an annual cleaning out of the racks and throwing love into the ether (for cash or trade). for the most part, all the new ones up there were done in the span of a couple days, working out some ideas and putting brush to paper. this is the sort of stuff i  look back on fondly as it usually possesses some immediacy and honesty that's  missing from the more laborious stuff. i'm not sales-pitching you, really, i'm just saying. go get a baby if you want a baby!

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