Friday, December 30, 2011

new year strategies

maybe there should be a deck of trading cards that tells you how to approach each day. like oblique strategies but not as oblique?
now accepting investor capital.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

winter weekends

went to the medical history museum over the weekend. yeah, we know how to party.

 it's on the grounds of what used to be central state hospital aka the insane asylum. they've torn down most of it, but some it is still around and empty. i'm sure there are lots of flickr pages if you look of people creeping around.

 the museum is still kept up and looks like it did in the old days. this is where the doctors took classes. no texting!

 nice signage all around.

 duplex cookies in the snack area.

 still stackin.

 love the old ways of packaging.

 guess what? everybody has syphilis. and marion county is still number one for syphilis in the country. we're number one!
once you're done in the museum you can take a wrong turn on purpose and lurk around some of the old empty buildings...

 what's up creepy abandoned dining hall? what evil dwells within you? i don't know because i'm not going in there. i've seen that movie.

 also on the grounds is an empty 70s-era school. reminds me a lot of  that "over the edge" movie. i'm not gonna mess with Fast Eddie.

somehow i don't believe that it is "all good" in there. again, i'm not going in there just to get eaten or forced into some kind of wicked blood game of death.

these dudes made us leave. jerks.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


i made a new shirt for mollusk. it's like when you go to baja and you see all these plants around. but i've never been to baja so john told me about it so i could draw it.

Monday, December 19, 2011

mama's little babies

i just put up a  a bunch of small-ish drawings (babies) up to my Internet Art Shoppe (trademark 2011). most all of them have appeared in the blog at some point or another, and some of them even travelled around to a different state before coming home. all the drawings are $30. only a couple are framed, like the above one. but it's really not that nice of a frame anyway, so you're not really missing anything.
it's part of what has become an annual cleaning out of the racks and throwing love into the ether (for cash or trade). for the most part, all the new ones up there were done in the span of a couple days, working out some ideas and putting brush to paper. this is the sort of stuff i  look back on fondly as it usually possesses some immediacy and honesty that's  missing from the more laborious stuff. i'm not sales-pitching you, really, i'm just saying. go get a baby if you want a baby!

Friday, December 16, 2011


incognitos at the last party at fountain square big car. onward and upward, brothers and sisters!

i was driving to ohio and i saw where the storm ended. it was like someone took the lid off the pot. amazing.

i visited the quality folks of YES ( for some talk about a future project. here's a wall they had another artist work on in downtown cincinnati. consider it beautified!

the window in chris' workshop reminded me of when i lived at lobot in oakland. good memories.

big ok

if you ordered a calendar or print or zine from me lately, everything is in the mail and hurtling towards you. thank you all!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

here's what's happening

wintertime readiness

reading manuals

my new signature line of notebooks

spot checking

Monday, December 12, 2011


when i was in byron bay, i made this drawing. it felt really good and was a small beginning of a new path to wander down. i still love the big black shapes.

people besides myself seemed to like this drawing, so i've let it have a new life as a print. it's an 18x24, two-color screen print in a signed and numbered edition of 50. black and red.
you can get one by going HERE.

expertly printed by Bloom Screen Printing in oakland, california.
are we all feeling good?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

more together in 2012

2012 calendars are in!
they come in two flavors:


and blue

it's a one-color silkscreen printed by the always superb Bloom Screen Printing in oakland, california.
both flavors ar 18x24. suitable for framing or writing on.
do you want one? you can get one by going HERE.

i put this up today so all y'all who look at the blog can get a jump on things before i post this to the internet aether on monday morning. i also put up some other little nuggets on the shop all secret-like, so take a week i'll be putting up some little drawings for all your stocking stuffing desires.
man, i love you guys! thank you so much for looking at all this stuff.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

oz xmas

i wish i could go back to byron bay this week. it's cold here and i miss my buds. however, they are having a holiday show this friday and i sent a drawing to be my stand-in. good people and good art!

this drawing.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

color fuses update

see two posts down...

i went ahead and emailed milton glaser's studio with some questions and they got back to me in less than 10 minutes with all the info on the restoration and a photo from the 70s. amazing!


medium moments

i would like to get the job to illustrate this kind of book

wintertime fun

mystery hole

sweet relief

a new you

on and on and on