Tuesday, June 7, 2011

salty salute

this is a fun project i got to work on recently, now up and out.
from keepsausalitosalty.com: "Buy a shirt and help keep your favorite Bay Area town just the way it is. Ten percent of each T-shirt sale supports a public information outreach effort to keep Sausalito citizens informed about local development issues."

photo of a photo by bill daniel. the world needs more houseboats.


  1. The ol' salt Crosby used to hang at the Trident in Sausalito, I hear it's still there...

    "You want to know how it will be
    Me and her, or you and me
    You both stand there, your long hair flowing
    Your eyes alive, your mind still growing
    Saying to me what can we do now that we both love you
    I love you too
    And I don't really see
    Why can't we go on as three" - Crosby, The Byrds

  2. He was / is ahead of his time in both indecency and proposals.

  3. i have a studio in sausy, and like your t-shirt. esp. like that your chosen "beauty shot" of said product is all wrinkled. salty.
