i've been on blog-cation, dudes. i went to california for an art show and never got a moment's peace. i'm gonna put photos up here eventually of everything, but for now here are the two silkscreens that Bloom Press printed up for me. As usual, a beautiful printing job and a limited edition of 50 each. both are up at my etsy store (UPDATE: I HAD SOME ISSUES WITH THE ETSY, BUT NOW IT'S ALL FIXED AND IT'S BACK UP THERE) now or if you're in the bay area you can cruise by hatch gallery.
hanging in the gallery side-by-side: brothers/sisters
cosmic inspirational posters
split-fountain gradient niceness and power words
back with more california/indiana action soon!
took some photos:
looks great mang.
the wood face and books made for a very pretty wall.