creature feature

this guy (all 8 foot of him) is for this.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

new gang

i want to be in this skateboard gang

caught creature

late summer list of good things:
-david berman "the portable february"
-sonny and the sunsets
-open windows/ceiling fans
-fake bookshelves
-leprechaun fuzz
-la dusseldorf "viva"
-lichens records
-wearing socks again
-netflix instant

Monday, August 24, 2009

O.C.A.S.F.V.E.S. pt. 2


butterflies & orange wedges.

pharoah sees all

rest your tired head on a soft c-note

new heights

best sign ever

corn dog skies

secret messages in captivity


Saturday, August 22, 2009

O.C.A.S.F.V.E.S. pt. 1

the indiana state fair has something for everybody. here's part one of the official crooked arm state fair visual exploration safari:


Thursday, August 20, 2009

why must you cry

tree gradient

dude. why. (i worked here in high school for three months)


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

order form

found some old magazines in mom's basement.
why didn't i get the ceramic skull mug when i had the chance?

Monday, August 17, 2009

moon's mom

this is silkscreen that was made for a show in LA and which is now up and available online in original and hand-colored versions along with prints by dudes much more rad than myself. where? here. kind of a fake movie poster for a movie i would see in a heartbeat.
keeping butts alive in 2009. worth a peep.


i've been on blog-cation, dudes. i went to california for an art show and never got a moment's peace. i'm gonna put photos up here eventually of everything, but for now here are the two silkscreens that Bloom Press printed up for me. As usual, a beautiful printing job and a limited edition of 50 each. both are up at my etsy store (UPDATE: I HAD SOME ISSUES WITH THE ETSY, BUT NOW IT'S ALL FIXED AND IT'S BACK UP THERE) now or if you're in the bay area you can cruise by hatch gallery.

hanging in the gallery side-by-side: brothers/sisters

cosmic inspirational posters

split-fountain gradient niceness and power words

back with more california/indiana action soon!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009


future library

mascot and shelf


Friday, August 7, 2009

coffee walk

i'm really into the new cass mccombs record. this video is like the tom petty "freefallin'" video except it has karen black getting weird in it. i'm pooped.
if you are in the bay area tonight go look at art.

Thursday, August 6, 2009



i totally drew this

grafitti as spam as pop up windows.
C.O.M.B. = check out my blog
PS don't go to this site. it is not a weird cave metal band it is a nasty porno site.

back to the future 4lbs of ketchup


busy 'morrows

as previously reported i'm in california for a little while and here's the main reasons why:
i am in an art show with cat lauigan at hatch gallery in oakland. and also in an art show at the exact same time at mollusk sf with about a hundred amazing people and you can read about it here.

and then after that art show on friday you can cruise over here to see some summer jammers:
and then on saturday you can cruise over here:

lots of stuff lots of things. more to come.