Monday, April 20, 2009

53rd st hobbit hole

i am in indiana for a few months so i rented a personal hobbit hole.

bed of stars: my grandmother made me this quilt about 25 years ago.

entertainment center, heart of the art, vibe dungeon


  1. you got a chill-out tent in the backyard?

  2. DUDE THE HOBIT HOLE! does the warped tour go to indiana? if it does you should go, im going to be painting walls with the kids on the whole gotta come paint some thing dude...and see your favorite band bad religion play

  3. EPIC on an abundance of levels, and the quilt is cosmic needlecraft of the finest merit!

    You look like you're having a blaster out on the frontier Nat.

    Keep on inking the goodness, and treading the rightness.
