Sunday, March 8, 2009

multiple chances to buy me beer and/or snacks

-you should probably go to the great american music hall (sf) tonight and see my tight bud eric shea open up for my professionally-tight bud neil halstead. it will be a night of gentle bombs and delicate stabs. and then you can buy me a beer.
-although i am conflicted because another tight bud, k. field, is playing a mile away with his begulls and little wings. i'm not going to tell you what to do. but on wednesday i'm gonna go see kaisle at the hemlock, so you can buy me a beer there, too. they also have peanuts.
-countdown to van: 6 days
-countdown to spirit animal internet drawing festival announcement: 3 days
-countdown to rad: dude, you missed it by 5 minutes. another one will be along shortly.