Thursday, March 5, 2009

coming attraction/white worm

this is the poster i made for thomas' new movie "the present". i just saw them in person, printed by bloom press in oakland, and they are beautiful all nice and big. so many rad dudes made so many other rad things for the movie that i feel like i'm pushing my surrounding-myself-with-radness limit. the art show traveling with the movie, the first showing of which is next week:

Tuesday March 10th, 2009
7PM - Reception and Art Show (featuring works by Nathaniel Russell, Thomas Campbell, Kyle Field, Alex Kopps, Serena Mitnik-Miller, Evan Hecox and Steve Keene)
8PM - Screening + Q&A with Director Thomas Campbell plus Live Music with Ray Barbee and the Mattson 2

Nike Sportswear at The The Montalbán
1615 Vine Street
Hollywood, CA


  1. Aces...a sterling piece of eye fodder!

  2. It is so beautiful. That little Sherlock Holmes dog is awesome!

  3. why are you so awesome? oh, we haven't met. hi.

  4. i'm gonna try to respond to comments from now on.

    simon: thanks, dude. good on ya.

    jamie: thanks. i love a sleuth.

    chip: seattle on april 4th. location: tba. you should go to and there are full dates and stuff.

    erin: thanks. hello. nice to meet you.
