Friday, January 30, 2009

reminding gently

dear ones, i'm gonna get these calendars over the weekend and will begin shipping on monday! if you wanna get in on that monday shipping date and be sure to get one, i'm re-posting the calendar post below. i'm just saying. no pressure. otherwise i'm sure i'll put something up here with photos and the remaining copies monday or tuesday. peace brothers and sisters.

hello my dudes.
at long last, the 2009 calendar is in production or soon will be. like last year, i'm late, but a little less late. this year's calendar is from february 15th 2009 to february 14th 2010. i am one month less late. but we are just in time, right? right.
this year there are a few changes:
-the calendar is more colorful and will be printed by the talented printers at bloom press, oakland. they are way better printers than me and it will look super sweet.
-due to some confusion and disorganization, i ran out of calendars super quick last year. this year i am doing this thing where if you want to jump in early and pre-order it, you can do so and be sure to get one.
-it's an edition of 100. 50 will be sold through here, another 50 will go to a few stores so if you want you can go get one in person. all signed and numbered, printed on yellow recycled paper, 3 color silkscreen, 18x24 inches.
-they should be around and able to be shipped around the first week of february. for sure in time for the calendar to kick in on the 15th. if there's a problem i'll let you know.
this year's theme is helping out your buds.

they are $35 with shipping included.
packaged in a thick tube with lots of packing.
click on the button below to pre-order:

thanks again for looking and for the support.
2009 will whup it.

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