Tuesday, October 14, 2008


a tasty frozen treat on a gorgeous lazy sunday. pina.

this one's for alberto! hard body chomp style!

me and these tacos just got engaged. we're getting married.

black hole with red shoe

these mugs were really shocking that early in the morning.

little critters every where you look.

from the one act play "lil' lord fauntelroy and the coiled serpent discuss important issues of the day"


  1. it's some kind of pepper sliced up and cooked in a creamy mixture that involves a type of heaven here on earth. and if it's combined with tecate it is essentially a flavor explosion of atomic proportion.

  2. and are you really just going to let the mug with the clown on it go? that shit is insane/frightening/amazing!

  3. dude my jaw dropped about the clown...i thought "wow, people are silly"

  4. hey! it's rachel (i painted all those eyes that sunny day) saw your drawings/ sculpture on the mollusk site and just wanted to tell ya i really dig them! hope the rest of your new york stay is lots of fun!

  5. i miss u already dude! we rule! xoxoxo
