Thursday, July 24, 2008


as you may have read a few posts below, i did a bunch of drawings for the september issue of Dwell magazine. it was a really fun thing to work on. the idea was to have a sort of coastal map from tijuana to oregon, highlighting some architectural points of interest along the way and some personal favorite people, places and things.

so here are the drawings, along with the original thumbnails. i think the issue is just hitting the racks now, so go get it and look at it in real life and not on your computer. thanks for all the people who have commented, i appreciate it. also thanks to Sam, Brendan, and Kyle at Dwell, who brought me in, made it super easy, and made it all look right.

the opening page: the seal of california. not only is "eureka" a town, it's also the state motto. (?)

pages 2-3: tijuana to san diego (see if you can find sea kat's brother and where it gets psychedelico)

pages 4-5: san diego to LA (GP RIP)

pages 6-7: LA to SF (secret shout out to my favorite SF bar)

pages 8-9: SF and beyond (if you are down with the Silkies, you are my kind of people)


  1. Pretty funny.
    Not moments after I read that post, Julie Joe pulled her little boxy Volvo up on Broadway in Brooklyn and got out of the car with that mag in her bag.
    I opened right up to them.
    Great work.

  2. These could be the greatest things ever drawn ever. You gonna do some prints somehow of these or do I have to rip pages out of Dwell and frame them to enshrine the radness? Sea Kat's brother is epic.

  3. thanks. there was talk of maybe dwell doing some limited editions. we'll see.

  4. they look amazing here and awesome in the magazine. congratulations!

  5. My mother-in-law's buying me Dwell mag and will bring it to Paris in September.

  6. i second the goddamn great. and, specs! yes!

  7. These ARE beauts. I'd like to see some prints too.

  8. yeah keep me posted on the prints. Hope u dont mind I posted those on my blog,
