Thursday, September 27, 2007

taking a cruise in the hamburghini

yeah yeah more photos. i should just get a flickr account or just draw more. whatever. i went to santa barbara and los angeles and here is what happened:

i was shocked to see a picture of myself with a mustache and a beer in shorts on prominent display in a venice beach business establishment. revenge will be swift and sweet!

sweet sweet wino spread.

saw the barry mcgee show. this was my favorite thing there. time to grow a pair.

hung out in the psychedelic zone with 2nd coolest guy ever, aaron. this picture was taken in my brain!

UPDATE: i've seen so many blog photos of this exact same pose that i think barry mcgee should just set up a corner booth on the street and charge people 5 bucks to take their picture. ethical/credibility issues aside, i'm just saying.

then hung out with the first coolest dude in the world, julius. elegant by design.

also saw this while spending literally half the time i was in LA in my rent-a-car.

the next month will be full of travels, friends, making lots of art, guitars, wood, and lots and lots of breakfast tacos. i feel truly lucky to be able to do the things i can do. let's not sweat it all so much.

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