Wednesday, March 31, 2010

shoppe bridge

also, i just started an online store over at this place. i've just begun, but i'll be posting and refreshing this thing with drawings large and small, prints, shirts, and whatever else pops up, including the occasional slice from the archives. i'm gonna try to keep all the for-sale-commerce-artwork side of things over there and off this peaceful, commercial-free, blogspace. eventually it will look cool over there and have new stuff every week or month. alright. peace.

mean gene

eat local!

this food was indeed slow. gene's spanish dog and montezuma may have compared notes on revenge.

buttons. email me with your address and i'll send you a button. put "button" in the subject. buttons.


Monday, March 29, 2010

that book about your baby

Top Lady
memoir/performing arts, 1957

The Executioner's Son
memoir/economics, 1978

Star Is Born
astronomy, 1943

Sunday, March 28, 2010

do librarian's dream?

Werewolf's Lament
young adult/occult, 1987

Goodbye 2010
fiction/self-help, 2010

poetry quarterly, 1982

Friday, March 26, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

new landmarks

a new look

a new friend

a new office

a new idol

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

really real

fresh batch of hotness:

poster for your personal library or den

poster about the totalness. totally.

poster about the new mysteries

poster about the NOW all around you

all of these made in collaboration with the fine folk at studio patrick in belgium/france. below you can see an artist's representation of anaick from studio patrick's spirit animal:

more information on the availability of these to interested parties coming soon! but holy crap it's great to have them in real life and not in pixels and dreams. REAL.

Monday, March 22, 2010

spoken word album

Thought Waves
Ashkenaz Afterparty Records, 1974

old grab

this weekend it was nice out and i skated around a little bit and felt like an old man who couldn't bend my legs anymore. winter will do that to you.

i had an urge to go take photos of all the curbs i used to hang out with when i was a kid. summer project.

life in these united states

the digital age!

fruit pod!

this guy!

curtain number one!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


curb duck skateboard company, established 2014

Monday, March 15, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

instant gratis



goofin off

i tired to take a picture of the guy writing window fog graffiti and then taking a picture of it on his iphone but all i got was this lousy picture of some old friends making a scene. sometimes i feel sorry for the man.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010