Thursday, May 31, 2007

cease to exist

this was two and a half years ago. what's with the underpants, dude? i remember being really interested in the fact that the beach boys recorded a song by charles manson and changed the words "cease to exist" to something tamer. nice glasses, nerd.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

more green and brown fuzz

remember when i was going on about Mom Tour 2007? here's some more selections from that epic adventure into the wilderness and abyss that was.

deep trunk grooves

wookie the dog.

this kind of thing just happens up there.

the amazing lind family and my mom cruise the beach. i heard this was some secret surf spot.

cousin dirk contemplates this tree. it looks like it used to hold something. maybe something enchanted. like a unicorn egg.

droplets on this thing.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

in the interweb, nobody sees your face

this is a shirt i made for the potm that then got transferred to my homies at mollusk. i was doing a a little googlebation today and found this image. i wish they could have put it on a mannequin that had a mustache, like that weird one i saw in Lawrence, Kansas. commerce!

go nutz:

Thursday, May 24, 2007

possible titles for my autobiography

-i don't care about babies
-the cat whisperer
-don't look at me with that face
-mexican pizza
-i quit
-true moments in extra space

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

feel free

let's talk about flowers. let's talk about the mind-numbing complexity of nature. let's freak out together. omg.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


i love the tv show "deadwood." sadly i do not have hbo, so i am a season behind. i stayed at danielle and adrian's cabana and drew this incredible rendering of all the characters of import. somebody burn me a dvd of season 3.

Friday, May 18, 2007


my buddy lisa is the best. we're working on a top secret project to be debuted in austin in july. feel the heat! (photo by Susan Kuester)

fly high

i enjoy making fliers for the internet sometimes.
i saw king kong about 10 years ago and they were incredible. i really like that song about the scuba diver.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

archives of awesome

Designer and educator Victor Papanek (1927-1999) was a strong advocate of the socially and ecologically responsible design of products, tools, and community infrastructures. He disapproved of manufactured products that were unsafe, showy, maladapted, or essentially useless. His products, writings, and lectures were collectively considered an example and spur by many designers. Papanek was a philosopher of design and as such he was an untiring, eloquent promoter of design aims and approaches that would be sensitive to social and ecological considerations. He wrote that "design has become the most powerful tool with which man shapes his tools and environments (and, by extension, society and himself)."

"One of my first jobs after leaving school was to design a table radio," Papanek wrote in Design for the Real World. "This was shroud design: the design of external covering of the mechanical and electrical guts. It was my first, and I hope my last, encounter with appearance design, styling, or design ‘cosmetics’." And further, he opined: "Only a small part of our responsibility lies in the area of aesthetics."

In the same book, Papanek wrote: "Much recent design has satisfied only evanescent wants and desires, while the genuine needs of man have often been neglected by the designer."

(all text and images liberated from the interweb)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007

shred city shredder

do you know what is pretty incredible? being alive.
dudes, i am sleepy today. one day you're drinking coffee from a paper cup in a rental car, then you'll be next to cash register drawing on a blank skateboard while people are napping in a driftwood shack, then you're under a tree in the pacific northwest hiding from the fuzz, then you're listening to a seagull next to the ocean which is next to a giant forest which is next to a mountain and your mom is taking a nap as you catch up on celebrity gossip. long may we shred, my brothers and sisters, long may we shred.
(photo by the owner and operator of above skatestick, foggy dave, who can be found here:

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


this is in a record store in ohio.

Friday, May 4, 2007

burl city

i'm on vacation. my mom and i are driving around the northwest.
here are some of the people i've met along the way:

i met gandalf in hobbiton.

then i met this cool beardy guy who was hiding something in his pocket.

then this dude came along, but i beat the crap out of him and he left.

then my mom got in a tree.

and i finally found a new apartment.
more to come!